a Assisted Living Start Up Services & Training
In the event that you want to start an assisted living facility in the US, you will need to know the statutory requirements for having such a facility. There is a lot that you will need to have in terms of facility size, licensing and staffing. Getting this information can at time prove to be a task especially when you do not know where to get it.
Different levels of assisted living facilities have different requirements. While this information can be accessed somewhere else, getting it directly from the agents that will be in charge of licensing your assisted living facility is the surest way to go.
There is a lot that is available on the agency’s site that is relevant in starting an assisted living facility. Learning all that entails your application will ensure that your application and licensing process is smooth and quick. This will in a great way save not only your time but also a lot of resources that would have otherwise been spent on gathering the requirements.
These agencies will also give you guidance on all the questions that you might have regarding your application of the process itself. Below is the contact information for the licensing agencies in all the states:
1. The state of Alabama
Licensing Agency: Department of Public Health- Bureau of Health Providers Standards
Website: http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/providerstandards/application.html
Contact Information: (334) 206-5575
2. The state of Alabama
Licensing Agency: Department of Health & Social Services under the Division of Health Care Service, The Assisted Living Office
Website: http://dhss.alaska.gov/dhcs/pages/cl/all/default.aspx
Contact Information: (907) 269-3640
3. The state of Arizona
Licensing Agency: Arizona Department of Health Services, under the division of Public Health Licensing- Bureau of Residential Facility Licensing
Website: http://www.azdhs.gov/licensing/residential-facilities/index.php#providers-home
Contact Information: (602) 364-2639
4. The state of Arkansas
Licensing Agency: Department of Human Services under the Division of Aging & Adult Service, the Office of Long Term Care
Website: http://www.daas.ar.gov/assistedlivingchoices.html
Contact Information: (501) 320-6196
5. The state of California
Licensing Agency: Department of Social Services- Community Care Licensing Division
Website: http://www.ccld.ca.gov/
Contact Information: (916) 651-3456
6. The state of Colorado
Licensing Agency: Department of Public Health & Environment
Website: Https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/categories/servicesandinformation/health/health-facilities
Contact Information: (303) 692-2836
7. The state of Connecticut
Licensing Agency: Department of Public Health under Health Care Quality & Safety-Facility Licensing and Investigation Section
Website: http://www.portal.ct.gov/DPH
Contact Information: (860) 509-7400
8. The state of Delaware
Licensing Agency: Department of Health & Social Services under the Division of Long Term Care Resident’s Protection
Website: http://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dltcrp/
Contact Information: (302) 421-7410
9. The district of Columbia
Licensing Agency: Department of Health under Health Regulation & Licensing Administration
Website: http://doh.dc.gov/page/health-regulation-and-licensing-administration
Contact Information: (202) 724-8800
10. State of Florida
Licensing Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration under the Bureau of Health Facilities Regulation
Website: http://www.ahca.myflorida.com/assistedliving
Contact Information: (850) 412-4304
11. The state of Georgia
Licensing Agency: Georgia Department of Community Health under Healthcare Facilities Regulation Division
Website: http://dch.georgia.gov/healthcare-facility-regulation-0
Contact Information: (404) 657-5850
12. The state of Hawaii
Licensing Agency: Department of Health under the Office of Health Care Assurance
Website: http://health.hawaii.gov/ohca/
Contact Information: (808) 692-7227
13. The state of Idaho
Licensing Agency: Department of Health & Welfare
Website: http://www.assistedliving.dhw.idaho.gov/
Contact Information: (208) 364-1962
14. The state of Illinois
Licensing Agency: The Department of Public Health under the Division of Assisted Living
Website: http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/health-care-regulation/assisted-living
Contact Information: (217) 782-2913
15. The state of Indiana
Licensing Agency: The Indiana State Department of Health under the Division of Long Term Care
Website: http://www.in.gov/isdh/20227.htm or http://www.in.gov/fssa/2329.htm
Contact Information: (317) 233-7442
16. The state of Iowa
Licensing Agency: Department of Inspections and Appeals under the Health Facilities Division
Website: https://dia-hfd.iowa.gov/DIA_HFD/Home.do
Contact Information: (515) 281-6325
17. The state of Kansas
Licensing Agency: The Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services
Website: http://www.kdads.ks.gov/
Contact Information: (785) 296-4986
18. The state of Kentucky
Licensing Agency: Cabinet for Health and Family Services under the Department for Aging and Independent Living
Website: http://www.chfs.ky.gov/dail/ALC.htm
Contact Information: (502) 564-6930
19. The state of Louisiana
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Hospitals under the Health Standards Section
Website: http://new.dhh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/directory/detail/702
Contact Information: (225) 342-0138
20. The state of Maine
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Human Services, CDC, under the Division of Licensing & Certification
Website: http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/dlrs/medical_facilities/assisted-housing/index.html
Contact Information: (207) 287-9332
21. The state of Maryland
Licensing Agency: Department of Health under the Office of Health Care Quality
Website: https://health.maryland.gov/ohcq/Pages/home.aspx
Contact Information: (410) 402-8201
22. The state of Massachusetts
Licensing Agency: The Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Website: http://www.mass.gov/elders/housing/assisted-living/
Contact Information: (617) 727-7750
23. The state of Michigan
Licensing Agency: The Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs under the Bureau of Community Health Care Systems- Adult Foster Care and Homes for Aged Licensing Division
Website: http://www.michigan.gov/afchfa
Contact Information: (517) 284-9700
24. The state of Minnesota
Licensing Agency: Minnesota Department of Health Services under the Health Regulations Division- Home Care & Assisted Living Programs
Website: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/homecare/index.html
Contact Information: (651) 201-4101
25. The State of Mississippi
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Division of Health Facility Licensure & Certification
Website: http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/30,0,83.html
Contact Information: (601) 364-1110
26. The state of Missouri
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Senior Services under the Division of Regulation & Licensure the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation
Website: http://health.mo.gov/safety/index.php
Contact Information: (573) 526-8524
27. The state of Montana
Licensing Agency: The Department of Public Health & Human Services under the Quality Assurance Division
Website: http://dphhs.mt.gov/qad/Licensure.aspx
Contact Information: (406) 444-2676
28. The state of Nebraska
Licensing Agency: The Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services under the Division of Public Health- Licensure Unit
Website: http://dhhs.ne.gov/publichealth/Pages/crl_crlindex.aspx
Contact: (402) 471-2133
29. The state of Nevada
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Human Services under the Division of Public & Behavioral Health- Bureau of Health Care Quality & Compliance
Contact Information: (702) 486-6515
30. The state of New Hampshire
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Human Services under the Office of Legal & Regulatory Services- The Health Facilities Administration
Website: http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oos/bhfa/
Contact Information: (603) 271-4592
31. The state of New Jersey
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Division of Health Facilities, Evaluation & Licensing
Website: http://www.nj.gov/health/healthfacilities/index.shtml
Contact Information: (609) 633-9034
32. The state of New Mexico
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Division of Health Improvement- Program Operations Bureau & District Operations Bureau
Website: https://nmhealth.org/about/dhi/hflc/
Contact: (505) 476-9025
33. The state of New York
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health
Website: http://www.health.state.ny.us/
Contact Information: (518) 408-1133
34. The state of Carolina
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Human Services under the Division of Health Services Regulation
Website: http://ncdhhs.gov/dhsr/acls
Contact Information: (919) 855-3765
35. The state of North Dakota
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Division of Health Facilities
Website: http://www.ndhealth.gov/ or http://www.nd.gov/dhs/
Contact Information: (701) 328-2352
36. The state of Ohio
Licensing Agency: The Ohio Department of Health under the Division of Quality Assurance
Website: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/odhprograms/ltc/Residential-Care-Facilities/Main-Page
Contacts: (614) 466-7713
37. The state of Oklahoma
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under Protective Health Services- Long Term Care Service Division
Website: https://www.ok.gov/health/Protective_Health/Long_Term_Care_Service/
Contact Information: (405) 271-6868
38. The state of Oregon
Licensing Agency: The Department of Human Services under Aging and Persons with Disabilities Program: Safety, Oversight & Quality Unit
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/PROVIDERS-PARTNERS/LICENSING/Pages/index.aspx
Contact Information: (503) 373-2182
39. The state of Pennsylvania
Licensing Agency: The Department of Human Services under the Bureau of Human Services Licensing
Website: http://www.dhs.pa.gov/provider/longtermcareservices/
Contact Information: (717) 783-3670
40. The state of Rhode Island
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Center for Health Facilities Regulation
Website: http://health.ri.gov/licenses/detail.php?id=213
Contact Information: (401) 222-2566
41. The state of South Carolina
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Environmental Control under the Division of Health Licensing
Website: http://www.scdhec.gov/health/licen/
Contact Information: (803) 545-4370
42. The state of South Dakota
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Office of Health Care Facilities, Licensure & Certification
Website: https://dhs.sd.gov/LTSS/default.aspx
Contact Information: (605) 773-3356
43. The state of Tennessee
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Division of Health Care Facilities
Website: https://www.tn.gov/health/health-professionals/hcf-main.html
Contact: (615) 741-7221
44. The state of Texas
Licensing Agency: The Health & Human Services Commission
Website: https://hhs.texas.gov/services/aging/long-term-care/24-hour-residential-services
Contact Information: (512) 438-3161
45. The state of Utah
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Bureau of Health Facility, Licensing & Certification
Website: http://www.health.utah.gov/hflcra
Contact Information: (801) 273-2994
46. The state of Vermont
Licensing Agency: The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living under the Division of Licensing & Protection
Website: http://www.dlp.vermont.gov/
Contact: (802) 871-3317
47. The state of Virginia
Licensing Agency: The Department of Social Services under the Division of Licensing: Adult Programs
Website: http://www.dss.virginia.gov/facility/alf.cgi
Contact Information: (804) 663-5535
48. The state of Washington
Licensing Agency: The Department of Social & Health Services under the Aging &Long term Support Administration
Website: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa
Contact Information: (360) 725-2402
49. The state of West Virginia
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health & Human Resources under the Bureau for Public Health- The Office of Health Facility Licensure & Certification
Website: http://ohflac.wvdhhr.org/index.html
Contact: (304) 558-0050
50. The state of Wisconsin
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health Services under the Division of Quality Assurance- The Bureau of Assisted Living
Website: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/regulations/health-residential.htm
Contact Information: (608) 266-8598
51. The state of Wyoming
Licensing Agency: The Department of Health under the Office of Healthcare Licensing & Surveys
Website: https://health.wyo.gov/aging/hls/
Contact Information: (307) 777-7123
With the above sources, you will be able to find all the information that you need regarding the various requirements in the different states. All the information found on the agency sites is up to date.
It is important to ensure that you pay attention to all the requirements as this will influence their decision in giving you a license. Failure to comply with the stipulated instructions might lead to your license being suspended or even worse canceled.
The agencies above have all the information you need to start an assisted living facility. You can also use the provided contacts to clarify any issue you might be having in relation to your application.