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About Us

The "a Assisted Living Start-up Services & Training" Program is designed to help candidates begin their own Assisted Living certified facility in the state of Maryland. From acquiring houses to getting you inspection ready, the a Assisted Living start-up program is your number one option for starting your own assisted living facility. From a practiced, tried-and-true method candidates will be walked through the state licensing process.



Meet The CEO

A licensed nurse for over 15 years, she also owns and operate two assisted living/transitional houses approved

by the state of Maryland. She has been able to successfully leverage her care giver and management expertise

to build a blossoming assisted living management career. She looks forward successfully guiding men and

women from all walks of life through seamless assisted living start-up transactions. She is passionate about

giving care to those is need and it shows with the dedication and commitment she gives to each client.

Her clientele personally believes in the the expertise that she provides, how she provides it and what

they receive from it.

"From tackling personal decisions to reaching important milestones,
the job is to guide you on the path of success."

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